2021 Creative Short Video Contest of College of Management, NCKU
2021 Creative Short Video Contest of College of Management, NCKU
The 2021 Creative Short Video Contest is being held to promote the departments and institutes within the College of Management, National Cheng Kung University (NCKUCOM), as well as the culture of Tainan, to both local and international students who interested in studying at NCKUCOM.
二、甄選辦法 Rules
1.主題及影片形式 Theme & Forms
影片長度 Video Length |
3~4分鐘 (含片頭、影片本體及片尾) 3~4 minutes in total. |
影片主題 Video Theme |
參賽者可擇一介紹國立成功大學管理學院師資、課程、學習生活、管院的活動,或介紹管理學院的任一系所,可以各種表現形式呈現(例: A day in College of Management, NCKU…等),唯不可有違反善良風俗之內容。影片亦可使用動畫效果表現。 Participants may choose to introduce teachers, courses, lifestyles, or any department of NCKUCOM in any way, i.e. A day in NCKUCOM. Content that offends decent morality, on the other hand, is prohibited. The usage of animation is permitted. |
影片目的 Video Objective |
希望透過影片讓未來國際及本地學生了解管理學院生於在學期間的生活體驗、修課培養的專業技能及未來畢業後可能面對的出路選擇,例如:可連結管院提供的教學環境及校內設備(如圖書館、體育場)等重要的成大設施、周邊生活與文化環境等。 We would like to make both local and international students understand what living experience, professional skills, and career opportunities may be like if they choose to study in NCKUCOM. The video can introduce the learning/living/surrounding environment and important institutions of NCKU, such as the library and stadium. |
影片語言 Video Language |
不限,但需提供英文字幕 Unlimited. However, English captions should be provided. |
影片字幕 Video Subtitle |
英文字幕(SRT檔) English captions (SRT file) need to be provide separately from the video. |
2.報名資格 Eligibility
(1) 成大管理學院學生
Students of NCKUCOM
(2) 可以個人或組隊(2~5人)參加。若組隊參加者,報名代表人需為成大管理學院學生,其餘團員可為本校其他學院學生或畢業校友。
You can register as an individual or as a group of two to five people. If you decide to form a group, the representative should be a NCKUCOM student, and the rest of the team members can be NCKU students or alumni.
(1) 乾淨版影片(MOV or MP4)以及英文字幕(SRT檔)。
Provide your video (MOV or MP4 file) and English captions (SRT file) separately. (Video resolution: Above 1920x1080).
(2) 3張劇照(檔案類型.jpg,解析度300 dpi以上,檔案大小至少1Mb)。
Three images of the video (JPG file, image resolution above 300 dpi, and the size above 1Mb)
(3) 作品簡介:中文250字內或英文100字內。
Introduction of the video: within 250 words in Chinese or within 100 words in English
(4) 參賽者簡介:中文200字內或英文50字內。
Introduction of the participants: within 200 words in Chinese or within 50 words in English
(5) 身分證明文件:報名代表人須提供成大管院110學年度上學期在學證明,而其餘團員則提供成大110學年度上學期在學證明、成大畢業證書或成大學位證明。
Participants' ID: The representative should provide a certificate of enrolment for the 2021 Fall Semester (that stated College of Management), and the rest of the group should bring either certificate of enrolment from NCKU for the 2021 Fall Semester or NCKU Certificate of Diploma.
(6) 著作財產權授權同意書:團員皆需簽名,每人一張。如無提供著作財產權授權同意書將視同未報名參加。
To register for the video contest, each group member must sign and submit the copyright consent form.
4.報名流程 How to Register
(1) 影片完成後上傳到個人雲端空間,需同時附上3張劇照。
Upload your video and 3 images of the video to your cloud storage.
(2) 填寫Google報名表並上傳上述重要文件檔案,以及提供徵件影片及劇照之個人雲端空間連結。(網址:https://forms.gle/LGJRag7z5w2dmupx7)
Fill out the Google Form to submit the required documents as well as a link to your video and images storage. (Link: https://forms.gle/LGJRag7z5w2dmupx7)
5.主要活動時程 Time Schedule
(1) 徵件期間:即日起至2021年10月1日(五)止
Registration Deadline: Friday, October 1st, 2021
(2) 初審入圍名單公布:2021年10月8日(五)於管理學院網頁公布初審入圍名單並寄信通知入圍者。主辦單位會協助將入圍者作品上傳至成大管理學院YouTube,再將入圍名單的連結寄給參賽者或團隊代表人分享至YouTube按讚。
The list of qualifiers will be announced on the official website of NCKUCOM on Friday, October 8th, 2021. The qualifiers will receive an email with the video YouTube link, so they could share it to get extra scores.
(3) 得獎公布:2021年10月20日(三),頒獎典禮於成績公布後擇日舉辦。
The list of winners will be announced on Wednesday, October 20th, 2021, while the date of the awards ceremony will be announced subsequently.
三、評審方式 Assessment
1. 創意表現及藝術性 Creativity 30%
2. 整體完整協調度 Overall impression 25%
3. 剪輯及聲音設計 Editing and Soundtrack 25%
4. 美術及特效表現 Style, Special Effects and Animation 20%
5. YouTube按讚人數額外加分,根據按讚人數的加分方式如下:
Extra scores are based on the number of like on the YouTube video.
YouTube按讚人數Like Number on YouTube |
加分Extra Scores |
300人(含)以上 above 300 |
10 |
200~299人 between 200 to 299 |
8 |
100~199人 between 100 to 199 |
5 |
50~99人 between 50 to 99 |
3 |
四、獎項設計 Prize
1. 總獎金 14 萬元整。獎金名額如下:
The prize is 140,000 TWD in total as listed below.
類別Type |
名額 Quota |
獎金 Award Money |
金獎Gold Medal Award |
2 |
30,000 |
銀獎Silver Medal Award |
2 |
20,000 |
銅獎 Bronze Medal Award |
2 |
10,000 |
佳作 Merit Award |
4 |
5,000 |
2. 得獎者如為共同創作者,由共同得獎者自行決定金分配。
If the winner is a group, the members of the group should divide the prize money among themselves.
3. 得獎者應依中華民國稅法規定負擔金。得獎者申報所得稅時,可憑扣繳單之稅額抵減個人綜合所得稅。
Winners are required to pay tax under the R.O.C. Income Tax Act. The withholding tax is deductible when winners file individual income taxes.
Please refer to the attached documents for more information.