- Rennes School of Business 管院內部須先審核
Website: https://www.rennes-sb.com/programmes/summer-programmes/
Information: Rennes 2023
-Successful completion of at least 2 years of undergraduate level studies.
-English requirement: B2 Level
-Quota: 3 students (Tuition fees are waived. *Paris and the keys to luxury business 須自行負擔學費)
Application deadline for NCKUCOM: 4 PM 31 March, 2023
Application Form: https://forms.gle/yLGJKnUxdEJ1Y6dm9
- EM Normandie Business School 管院內部須先審核
Website: https://www.em-normandie.com/en/em-normandie-summer-school
Information: EM Normandie 2023
-English Requirement: TOEFL IBT 72, IELTS 5.0, TOEIC 750
-Quota: 6 students (Tuition fees are discounted to €175 for 1 course & €290 for 2 courses.)
Application deadline for NCKUCOM: 4 PM 31 March, 2023
Application Form: https://forms.gle/23xXAcKzKsWbgzio6
- Gustavson School of Business | University of Victoria (UVic) 學生逕行申請
Website: https://execprograms.uvic.ca/short-term-business-programs/
Information: UVic 2023
English requirement: Officially recognized universities/colleges have a minimum IELTS 5.0 or a TOEFL score of 500 (paper-based) or 173 (computer-based) or an equivalent proof of English language ability, if the primary language of your home country is not English.
欲參與此計畫的學生請自行向UVic報名, 並於2023年4月21日下午4點以前填寫此表單告知我們您的申請狀況。https://forms.gle/esorGXHDHynaBVpu7
- Kühne Logistics University (KLU) 學生逕行申請
Website: Summer School in Sustainability · KLU (the-klu.org)
Information: KLU 2023
English requirement: IELTS with 6.0 or above, or TOEFL with 60 or above
- If you wish to transfer the credits, you will need to contact your department's office in advance. We strongly advise you to do this BEFORE you apply for the Summer Program.
- 國立成功大學學生抵免學分辦法:第十一條 凡曾在教育部認可之境外大學院校修讀之科目學分,得依本辦法有關規定酌情抵免,其學分轉換以授課時數及修課內容作為學分換算及科目抵免之原則。學分換算之原則如下: (一) 若出國修習的學校係採歐洲學分互認系統( European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System, ECTS,英國大學除外), ECTS 的學分以二分之一計 算,取整數(四捨五入)。 (二) 若採英國學分累計及轉換制度(Credit Accumulation Transfer Scheme, CATS),CATS 的學分以四分之一計算,取整數(四捨五入)。 (三) 美制、日制、陸制之學分可等同換算。