


  1. Rennes School of Business 管院內部須先審核

Website: https://www.rennes-sb.com/programmes/summer-programmes/ 
Rennes 2023

-Successful completion of at least 2 years of undergraduate level studies.
-English requirement: 
B2 Level
-Quota: 3 students  (Tuition fees are waived. *Paris and the keys to luxury business 須自行負擔學費)

Application deadline for NCKUCOM 4 PM   31 March, 2023 
Application Form:


  1. EM Normandie Business School 管院內部須先審核

Website: https://www.em-normandie.com/en/em-normandie-summer-school
Information: EM Normandie 2023

-English Requirement:  TOEFL IBT 72, IELTS 5.0, TOEIC 750
-Quota: 6 students  (Tuition fees are discounted to €175 for 1 course & €290 for 2 courses.)
Application deadline for NCKUCOM 4 PM   31 March, 2023 
Application Form:


  1. Gustavson School of Business | University of Victoria (UVic)  學生逕行申請

Website: https://execprograms.uvic.ca/short-term-business-programs/
Information: UVic 2023

English requirement: Officially recognized universities/colleges have a minimum IELTS 5.0 or a TOEFL score of 500 (paper-based) or 173 (computer-based) or an equivalent proof of English language ability, if the primary language of your home country is not English.

欲參與此計畫的學生請自行向UVic報名, 並於2023421日下午4以前填寫此表單告知我們您的申請狀況。https://forms.gle/esorGXHDHynaBVpu7


  1. Kühne Logistics University (KLU) 學生逕行申請

Website: Summer School in Sustainability · KLU (the-klu.org)
KLU 2023

English requirement: IELTS with 6.0 or above, or TOEFL with 60 or above



  1. If you wish to transfer the credits, you will need to contact your department's office in advance. We strongly advise you to do this BEFORE you apply for the Summer Program.
  2. 國立成功大學學生抵免學分辦法:第十一條 凡曾在教育部認可之境外大學院校修讀之科目學分,得依本辦法有關規定酌情抵免,其學分轉換以授課時數及修課內容作為學分換算及科目抵免之原則。學分換算之原則如下: () 若出國修習的學校係採歐洲學分互認系統( European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System, ECTS,英國大學除外), ECTS 的學分以二分之一計 算,取整數(四捨五入)。 () 若採英國學分累計及轉換制度(Credit Accumulation Transfer Scheme, CATS),CATS 的學分以四分之一計算,取整數(四捨五入)。 () 美制、日制、陸制之學分可等同換算。