


Solicitation for Dean Nomination, College of

Management, National Cheng Kung University

一、 依據「國立成功大學管理學院院長遴選、續聘及解聘辦法」(



    According to “The Regulations of Dean Selection, Reappointment

    and Termination of College of Management, National Cheng Kung

    University (hereinafter referred to as “The Selection Regulations”

    )and the 1st meeting of the Dean Selection Committee on January

    22, 2025.

二、 本屆院長任期自11481日起,任期三年,得連任一次。

    The term of the position is from August 1, 2025, for a three-year

    term and might be renewed once.

三、 候選人資格:依遴選辦法第七條規定,院長候選人應具備下列


    Qualifications (According to Article 7 of the Selection Regulations):

(一) 具教授資格者。惟校外候選人在遴選第一階段結束前須先取得


     Qualified as a Professor. An off-campus nominee must obtain the

     approval of Faculty Evaluation Committee, College of Management

     before the end of the first stage of the selection process.

(二) 候選人要具前瞻性教育理念,相當學術成就,高尚品德及學術


     A nominee must have prospective ideas of Education, of considerable

     academic achievements, high moral character and academic

     administrative ability.

四、 遴選方式:先由遴選委員會推薦三人以上之候選人,由管理學



    Selection Method:

    1. More than three nominees would be selected by the Selection


    2. The full-time teaching faculty of College of Management vote to

      exercise their consent.

      3. Two or three nominees would be selected by the Selection


    4. The final decision made by the Principal.

五、 推薦期限:自即日起至3月10日(星期一)止【直接遞交、以電




    Deadline: From now to March 10, 2025. Please deliver in person /

    via email (em53000@email.ncku.edu.tw) / by registered post, the

    deadline for receipt is based on the delivery time, but the registered

    post is based on the postmark date.

六、 凡有意推薦之團體或個人,請下載附件遴選辦法及推薦表格(下



    For groups or individuals who are interested in nomination, please

    download the attached Selection Method and Dean Nomination

    Form (https://management.ncku.edu.tw/p/412-1017-31086.php?Lang

    =zh-tw), and see contact info.below:

(一) 聯絡地址:701台南市東區大學路1號國立成功大學管理學院院


     Address: Dean Selection Committee, College of Management,

     National Cheng Kung University, No.1, University Road, East

     District, Tainan City 701, Taiwan (R.O.C)

(二) 聯絡人:郭美祺 秘書。



     Contact Person: Maggie Kuo (Secretary)

     Phone: +886-6-2757575 #53005; Fax: +886-6-2752455

     Email: em53000@email.ncku.edu.tw

國立成功大學管理學院院長遴選委員會 啟

Dean Selection Committee, College of Management, National Cheng Kung University


檔案名稱 檔案下載 修訂日期
管理學院 遴選院長作業計畫 2025年01月23日
管理學院 院長候選人推薦表 2025年01月23日
管理學院 院長候選人推薦表 2025年01月23日